Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lymelife (Bob says 3 out of 4)

1. Did I enjoy it? YES
I had Lyme Disease back in 2007, a very frightening two months of my life that included ten days of hospitalization. For many people, the symptoms can last much longer and can be irreversible. Lymelife is not really about the disease per se, but the outbreak of Lyme upon the town of Syosset and specifically with neighbor Charlie Bragg sets the tone of darkness and anger upon a suburban family. Alec Baldwin plays Mickey, a man devoted to his job of developing a large subdivision but completely undevoted and unfaithful to his wife. His youngest son Scott (played by Rory Culkin), learns about this first hand when he realizes his father is having an affair with Charlie's wife Melissa. Scott goes through a lot of emotions here: love and anger at his dad and infatuation with Charlie's daughter Adrianna, played by the very attractive Emma Roberts. It's also nice to see Rory's older brother Kieran playing his brother in the film with some very emotional scenes as well.

2. Would I watch it again? MAYBE
This is quite an unpleasant movie for a comedic drama, but I did understand the pain the characters in this film go through. I may watch it again as the acting is top notch, just not when I need a film that will lift my spirits.

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