Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Avatar (Bob says 3 out of 4)

1. Did I enjoy it? YES
There have been some really awesome visual experiences in film this year. Avatar, currently the box office winner of 2009, is no exception. Cameron actually had the script ready to go ten years earlier, but decided to wait for technology to catch up with the vision he had in mind. I saw the film in 3-D, although I think it would work perfectly fine in two dimensional format. In 2154, humans have come to the Pandora moon to mine a mineral known as unobtainium. In the process, they are pushing a blue-skinned humanoid species known as the Na'vi off their homeland. In order to improve relations with the Na'vi, the humans transfer their consciousnesses and motor functions over to Na'vi-looking bodies known as avatars. Because it's science fiction, there is no need to question how the technology actually works to accomplish this. Hey, it's the future. Jake Scully, one of the avatar operators, is rescued in the jungle one night by a Na'vi named Neytiri. Jake slowly begins to develop a relationship with the Na'vi and even closer with Neytiri. It's amazing how technology has come so far as to show such powerful expressions of emotion by Neytiri, played by Zoe Saldana from Star Trek. Some critics of the film dismiss this story as being told before and therefore not worthy of the hype it has received. It may have been told before, but I think almost every story has been told before in some format. What changes are the characters and the details. And the details (especially the technological ones) of this film are well worth the acclaim it has received.

2. Would I watch it again? MAYBE
James Cameron has made some great films, including Aliens, Terminator 1 & 2 and Titanic. I like those films even better than this one, but I very well could see this movie again.

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