Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adventureland (Bob says 2 out of 2)

1. Did I enjoy it? YES
We've all had a summer job. You know, those crappy minimum wage jobs where the customers enjoy their experience, but you just need some cash. There's usually a lot of drama that goes on between the staff with these jobs. The owners in charge love their company a great deal, but the games are rigged and your big prize at the end of the day could be a giant panda. Am I talking about my own job? Well, not exactly. I do like working at a movie theater and I don't think anyone is being cheated by going to our theater (unless of course they watch a really bad movie). And yet, I found a lot of similarities in Adventureland to my current job experience. In this film, there's some really funny moments and also some soapy dramatic ones, like the older employee who has an inappropriate relationship with a fellow co-worker. And everyone at work is gossiping about it. Wow, where have I heard this before?

2. Would I watch it again? YES
This is not the best film of the year, nor am I certain if it's top ten material. But any film that resonates with a person's own experience makes it a movie not to be overlooked. I had fun watching it the first time and I'm sure I would again.

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