I love documentaries about filmmakers, and this one is particularly interesting because these brothers are some of the weirdest looking guys I have seen who enjoy making pictures that are some of the weirdest looking films I have ever seen. As the documentary shows clips of the Kuchar films, all of them seem to be made on micro budgets (Roger Corman would be proud), concentrate on the vile and disgusting, and usually deal with some strange sexual perversions. I'm not sure if George Kuchar was high throughout his filmmaking career or if he was simply channeling Corman, Ed Wood and Herschell Gordon Lewis. Most of these films I would probably hate and walk out of if shown in a theater, but the fact that the Kuchars are willing to show films with feces, vomit and men in love with gorillas makes them stand out as filmmakers who took film to places you never thought it went, but did.
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