I hate 3D. F@@@ing hate it. Gives me a headache and every studio head, director, and other idiot that uses it should get a donkey kick to the breadbasket. 3D just feels like a desperation play by Corporate Hollywood. Losing money to P2P and filesharing they come up with a new way to charge more for the movies. I ask you Corporate Hollywood, if people seeing your movies for free hurts your business, then how come libraries have not destroyed you? Filesharers buy one copy which is then shared with hundreds of people who never pay anything to the copyright holders. Libraries buy one copy which is then checked out by hundreds of people who never pay anything back to the copyright holders. But I am getting into an argument for another day. In summation, I just see 3D as a scam. AND I WORK IN A MOVIE THEATRE!
As you can guess, I did not expect to like Monsters Vs. Aliens. Outside of the 3D, I have issues with Dreamworks animation. I dislike the mass assembly nature of how they produce the scripts for their movies. I tend to be more of an auteur kind of guy. One director and one vision. To tell a story by committee makes my skin crawl.
The movie surprised me. A movie made with the knowledge it will be in 3D can be a great thing. The 3D can be used with subtly. It does not have to only be about objects coming out at you. You can use the 3D to make the viewer believe that the field of vision has expanded. Has it really? No, of course not. The screen is still the same size. Yet the sensation is there. That alone had me in awe.
2. Would I watch it again? YES
When I replay this film in my mind, which is the litmus for repeat viewing, I find myself chuckling at B.O.B.. It's not just the great comedic delivery of Seth Rogen. It is also the utter stupidity and clueless look on B.O.B.'s face. That character just consistently surprised me and had me laughing.
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