Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worst Films of 2009

I often want to change this category to my least favorite films of 2009. The worst films I hopefully avoided, although sadly not all of them. While I thankfully avoided the second Twilight film, All About Steve and several others, here's a few that I unfortunately had the displeasure of viewing:

1. Bruno
By far the worst film of the year and second to only Silent Night Deadly Night as the worst film I have ever seen. I admit I sometimes laugh at sex jokes, but when they are so crude, right in your face and then mix in direct mocking of your Christian faith with oral sex jokes, that crosses a line that makes me plain angry. The director should be ashamed of himself, sometimes laughter is a bad thing when it's at the expense of something, or someone, you love.

2. Land of the Lost
A film with almost no laughs and some extremely bad taste sex jokes for the rating it received. Kids no doubt were in the audience when this film was in theaters. It's a bad influence on them and frankly such a dumb and unfunny story I wouldn't be surprised if customers created a large line for refunds.

3. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
This movie was such a bore I fell asleep on and off throughout the film. I was tired already, but a good film will not only keep me awake, it will re-energize the rest of my day. This did not, it was a sequel that was unnecessary and made way too much money at the box office.

4. In The Loop
Richard Roeper loved this movie. He must enjoy movies about people working in politics and journalism who yell at each other the entire time. Not my idea of a great comedy. Not worth your time.

5. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Another bad movie that did way too much box office business. The first Transformers worked, but this was a letdown. It was loud, overlong and had some incredibly annoying characters. And I wanted more Optimus Prime! Do I have to wait for Transformers 3? Should I bother?

6. Duplicity
Way too confusing of a movie for my taste. Big stars like Julia Roberts and Clive Owen can't save this material, which will take three or four viewings to make sense of it all. But who has that kind of time on their hands?

7. A Serious Man
The Coen Brothers certainly are unique with every film, but this one just didn't work for me. I didn't hate this film, but it was not one of my favorites.

8. The Proposal
Betty White has some genuinely funny moments in this movie, but the rest is way too formulaic and implausible. It's not cute and romantic to me if I don't believe it. And I didn't.

9. Drag Me to Hell
Sam Raimi has made some great films, and this one has some exciting crazy turns, but had an ending I was not satisfied with. My reaction was, "I endured all that and this was the payoff?!" Sometimes, a happy ending is warranted. I think it was here.

10. Friday The 13th
Another horror franchise given rebirth through a remake. This adds nothing that you haven't seen before. Not awful if that's what you want. Just not scary when it could have been.

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