1. Did I enjoy it?
YESAfter hearing about mixed reviews coming out for this film, I wasn't expecting to be wowed much. I had my own reservations: I preferred they do an X-Men 4, not a prequel. I had the same feelings about Star Trek actually. But, having said that, this backstory on Wolverine was done really well and deserves better than it's getting from some people. It was fascinating to see how Logan grew up, being much older than you'd think. A great part of the story is his complicated relationship with his brother. One moment he's about to tear him to shreds, the next he's saving his life (on a much smaller scale, don't we feel this way about our own siblings?) Wolverine gets a girlfriend who is both gorgeous and compassionate, and we identify with Logan when he discovers her "fate" and then her fate (you will know what I mean by this when you see the film.) Great to see Patrick Stewart briefly, oh how I wish they'd do another Star Trek with the Next Generation crew.
2. Would I watch it again?
This is a fine addition to the other X-Men films, I'd watch this one before the others so you can have the fun of seeing them chronologically. Although I never followed the comics or cartoon versions of X-Men with any consistency, I've really liked the X-Men movies.